“Snarky” is used to describe speech with a specific emotional tone, typically a form of sarcasm informed by cheekiness and a mild, playful irreverence or impudence. When the dominant intent of the communication is to express or convey direct or judgmental rudeness, the sense of mild cheekiness is lost and the overall communication crosses the line to become “snide.”
In pri 52 CCT blog izzivu so za temo tega tedna izbrali “snarky”. V svoji zalogi nimam štampiljke, ki bo jo lahko povezala s to sarkastično zabavno temo, zato sem na spletu našla kratek izrek in voščilnico sestavila z običajnimi elementi.

Za ozadje sem bel papir obarvala z Distress Oxide spreji mermaid lagoon in iced spruce. Nato sem 3d embosirno srajčko (Sizzix 3-D Texture Fades Embossing Folder – Kaleidoscope # 663296) namazala z Black Shot Distress ink blazinico in embosirala. Za konec sem s prstom nanesla še Nuvo embellishment mousse mother pearl odtenek. drobne črke so rezalna šablona Najlepši par MINI ABECEDA

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