52 CCT: januar-barve

Pozdravljeni v sobotno jutro; danes pri 52 CCt blog izzivu ustvarjamo po barvnem izzivu: rumena, rjava in bela.

Izbrala sem motiv svetilke in Distress Ink vintage photo, vild honey in walnut stain. V akvarelni tehniki sem izdelala nekakšno nebo. Snežinkice sem našpricala z belo tempera, nekaj večjih pa sem dorisala z belim flumastrom.

Vablenji k sodelovanju, vaše izdelke nam pokažite na tej povezavi.

11th – colour – 52CCT2-20 – WHITE, YELLOW, BROWN

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9 Responses
  1. Lisa Lynn says:

    Your card is stunning. Just love your background.

  2. Danica says:

    Zanimivo barvno lestvico si izbrala. Takole na pogled bi rekla, da ne bo lahko sestaviti voščilnice.
    Tvoja je fantastična!

  3. Netta says:

    you card is perfect for this challenge! I struggled with the colors lol. love your card though and how it looks

  4. Tracy B says:

    The background is stunning. I thought that it was smooshing not watercolour … what a wonderful idea. I may have to give this technique a try.

  5. Vicky says:

    This is absolutely stunning Andreja! What a perfect and innovative way to use these colours. Vicky x

  6. fabiola says:

    oh wow, c’est une réussite Andreja, j’adore, tu as su donner tant de luminosité malgré ce combo difficile, biz

  7. Rosi says:

    The subdued light around the lantern reinforces the feeling of a cold and snowy winter night! Gorgeous!! Rosi x

  8. Helena says:

    Ponavadi za zimske voščilnice, sploh za pokrajino, uporabimo modre odtenke, ti pa si se lotila teh nenavadnih, s katerimi si me popolnoma navdušila. Zelo dobro izpade!

  9. danni reid says:

    This is absolutely gorgeous, love your wintery night!

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