V AECP poglavju With A Twist je Teresa pokazala vrsto zanimivih tehnik, kako uporabiti običajne tehnike in barvne kombinacije na nenavaden način.

Altenew Parrot Tulips Layering Stamp & Die Set že dolgo čaka na priložnost in tako sem na spletu pogledala, kako ti “papagajasti” tulipani izgledajo zares. Med vsemi pisanimi cvetovi je mojo pozornost pritegnil belo zelen cvet in takoj sem imela idejo. Bel cvet na pinki ozadju!

Na bel papir sem večkrat odtisnila različne plasti tega čudovitega tulipana ina na koncu izbrala najboljši odtis, ki ga sestavljata druga in tretja štampiljka, obe plasti sen naredila z isto zeleno blazinico.

S Polychromos zeleno barvico sem dorisala temno zelene detajle. Z belim Sakura GLAZE markerjem pa sem dosegla privzdignene in svetleče bele detajle.

Napis je narejen Z Altenev Crisp Black blazinico in prav tako poudarjen s Sakura GLAZE prozornim markerjem.

Za ozadje sem se poigrala Distress Oxide Pink Raspberry sprejem v kombinaciji z vodo in perfect pearls prahom.

“In the AECP chapter With A Twist, Teresa showed a series of interesting techniques on how to use common techniques and color combinations in an unusual way. Altenew Parrot Tulips Layering Stamp & Die Set has been waiting for an opportunity for a long time and so I looked online to see how these “parrot” tulips really look. Among all the colorful flowers, a white green flower caught my eye and I immediately had an idea. White flower on a pink background! Since the flowers are usually heavily colored this is my twist!”

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I like the additional details to the image and also the color combination.
Thank you for submitting your work to the AECP assignment gallery.