S poglavjem Masking Unleashed končujem drugi del domačih nalog za AECP. Tehnik maskiranja je veliko, tokrat sem maskirala s posebnim maskirnim papirjem.

Barvno kombinacijo Distress Oxide tumbled glass, rustic wildernes in black soot sem našla na KRISTINAS BLOG. Z rezalnini šablonami Altenew just leaves sem iz Inkadinkado stampig mask paper izrezala maskirne šablone in se lotila barvanja.

Inkadinkado stampig mask paper je sestavljen iz dve plasti, ena je zelo nežno lepliva in zato je ta papir odličen za res detajlne izreze, saj se lepo oprime papirja in se med barvanjem ne premika.

Neenah solar white papir sem najprej res nežno osenčila z modro in zeleno barvo in nato namestila maske iz papirja.

Nadaljevala sem z močnejšimi nanosi barve in dodajala maske.

“With the Masking Unleashed chapter, I end the second part of the homeworks for AECP. There are many masking techniques, this time I masked with a special masking paper. I found the color combination Distress Oxide tumbled glass, rustic wildernes and black soot on the KRISTINAS BLOG. Using Altenew just leaves cutting dies, I cut out masking stencils from Inkadinkado stampig mask paper and started colouring.”

Ves material nadete v

Hvala za ogled in komentarje.
Tehniko maskiranja s posebno NUVO maskirno tekočino sem predstavila TUKAJ.

These are stunning! Thank you for sharing.
I remember that card of yours! This one is gorgeous as well! Thank you for submitting your beautiful work to the AECP assignment gallery.