Altenew – Magic Marker Techniques

V AECP poglavju Altenew Magic Marker Techniques sem videla veliko zanimih tehnik uporabe alkoholnih markerjev, najbolj me je pritegnilo barvanje alu folije ali papirja, ki je videti kot ogledalo.

Uporabila sem Copic markerje, Altenew super script, Altenew ribbon waves, Altenew floral doodles šablono in papir, ki ima kovinsko mat izgled.

Na koščku papirja sem stestirala različne markerje.

Z markerji sem pobarvala ovalen izrez.

In ga embosirala v embosing mapci.

Napis sem odtisnila na pavs papir iz katerega sem izrezala tudi osnovno plast cveta.

Embosirala sem tudi oranžno kovinski mat papir in sestavila voščilnico.

“In the AECP chapter of Altenew Magic Marker Techniques, I saw many interesting techniques for using different markers, I was most attracted to painting aluminum foil or paper that looks like a mirror.”


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One Response
  1. Erum says:

    What a gorgeous creation!! I cant wait to see your take on the final challenge!
    Thank you for submitting your wonderful work to the AECP assignment gallery.

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