V poglavju AECP Impressive Heat Embossing sem videla veliko tehnik z vročim embosiranjem, ki sem jih že delala, zato sem se odločila izdelati voščilnico, na kateri bom uprabila le vroče embosiranje in bom detalje izreze embosirala večkrat.
Uporabila sem Altenew Faceted stars štampiljke, Aletenew floral doodles rezalne šablone, WOW! embossing prahce v treh barvah Aztec, Mayan in Inka Glintz, Florence moder papir s teksturo in Distress Ink Chipped saphire.

Najprej sem testirala, ali se bodo se bodo obnesli prahci na modrem papirju.

Ozadje sem embosirala v OMBRE efektu z vsemi tremi barvami, a se to na fotografijah žal ne vidi.

Detaljne izreze cveta in listov sem embosirala trikrat, tako izrezi dobijo videz kovine.

Cvet in liste sem malce privzdignila s 3d lepilnim trakom.

“In the AECP Impressive Heat Embossing chapter I saw a lot of hot embossing techniques that I had already done, so I decided to make a card on which I would only use heat embossing. I used Altenew Faceted stars stamps, Aletenew floral doodles cutting dies, WOW! embossing powders: Aztec, Mayan and Inca Glintz, Florence blue textured paper and Distress Ink Chipped sapphire.”

Ves material nadete v

GORGEOUS!! Love the color. Thank you for submitting your beautiful work to the AECP assignment gallery.