Altenew – Creative Watercolor Media

V AECP poglavju Creative Watercolor Media je nanizanih veliko različnih tehnik in raznih akvarelnih pigmentov. Tokrat sem za zalo “loose” barvanje izbrala Altenew Garden Hydrangea štampiljke in Altenew Watercolour essential set 12.

Na Florence akvarelni papir sem z belim prahom embosirala cvetove in liste hortenzije, uredila sem jih na spodnji rob.

Na spletu sem našla fotografijo večbarvnega grma, ki sem ji sledila pri barvanju.

FAQs Hydrangeas - Palmers Garden Centre

Barvala sem v več plasteh in vodi prepustila večino dela za prelivanje barve.

Napis in tanek rob sem izdelala iz roza papirja v videzu ogledala.

“The AECP chapter of Creative Watercolor Media lists many different techniques and various watercolor pigments. This time I chose Altenew Garden Hydrangea stamp and Altenew Watercolor essential set 12. I embossed hydrangea flowers and leaves on Florence watercolor paper with white powder. I painted in several layers in a loose watercolor technique. Finally, I added an inscription in the pink mirror effect paper.”

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One Response
  1. Erum says:

    This is absolutely stunning!! Thank you for sharing your talent with us and submitting your beautiful work to the AECP assignment gallery.

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