V poglavju AECP Colour your day sem se naučila veliko zanimivega o barvah, kako jih kombinirati in kakšna naj bodo razmerja med njimi. Po ogledu vseh šestih poglavij sem se odločila slediti inspiracijski fotografiji iz prvega poglavja.

Na črn akvarelni papir ( Florence črn gladek) sem z Distress Oxide modro blazinico odtisnila čudovite cvetove iz seta Altenew Magnolias for her in jih embosirala s prozornim prahom.

Cvetove sem pobarva z isto blazinico in jim na koncu dodala povdarke z Wink of stella belim markerjem z bleščicami.

Za ozadje sem preko stencil šablone Altenew Leaf bed nanesla Distress oxide in nato vse skupaj poškropola z vodo in nato še s Perfect pearls prahom pomešanim z vodo.

Dodala sem še nakaj Altenew sequinov v barvi satine white.

“In the AECP Color your day chapter, I learned a lot of interesting things about colors, how to combine them and what the relationships between them should be. After watching all six chapters, I decided to follow the inspirational photo from the first chapter. I used Altenew Magnolias for her, Altenew Leaf bed stencil, Altenew sequins in satin white.”

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Beautifully done!
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