Nad poglavjem AECP Beautifull Details in ustvarjalko Marika Rahtu sem čisto očarana. Marika je pokazala neverjetne tehnike, s katerimi lahko odtise spremenimo v prave umetnine. Nikoli še nisem barvala štampiljk z markerji, zato sem lotila kar domače naloge iz prvega poglavja AECP- Beautifull Details – Artistic Flowers.

Najprej sem stestirala različne markerje in papir in se odločila za Color Copy papir in Distress Marker Iced Spruce ter Altenew Painted Butterflies Stamp Set. Polni odtisi so se mi zdeli primerni za tehniko barvanja z markerji.

Rob osnove za voščilnico sem osenčila z blazinico in neenakomerno pobarvala z markerjem, tako je nastal podoben vzorec kot na cvetovih.

Uporabila sem še Sakura gelly roll črn marker in črn marker z bleščicami.

Kako so nastali odtisi si lahko pogledate v videu:
“I am quite fascinated by the AECP Beautifull Details chapter and creator Marika Rahtu. Marika has shown amazing techniques, so they can be turned into real works of art. I have never painted stamps with markers, so I did my homework from the first chapter of AECP – Beautifull Details – Artistic Flowers. I first tested different markers and paper and opted for Color Copy Paper and Distress Marker Iced Spruce and Altenew Painted Butterflies Stamp Set. Full prints seemed to me suitable for the marker painting technique.”

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