Za zadni izziv v letu si lahko izberemo katerikoli izziv, ki smo ga letos že imeli. izbrala sem izziv 24.4.21 “samo štampiljke” in izdelala slimline voščilnico.

Odtisnjen motiv sem pobarvala s Copic alkoholnimi markerji, kot sem naučila pri Sandy Allnock, Art Clases, Vinter scene copic marker.

April 2021 samo štampiljke

Ves material nadete v

So beautiful! I love your stunning card!
Andreja… I love your card beyond words! The two bunnies hugging for the holidays is adorable. Your coloring is impeccable. The wood and snow scene is perfect. Just wonderful. Thank you so much the for the invite to Guest Design with Christmas Card Throwdown this week… this is one of my favorite challenges. You keep me honest in keeping up with my Christmas stash!
Awww your winter scene is adorable. I have this stamp too. It is so cute and you created the perfect scene for them.
Your card is so beautiful, I love the winter scene and the rabbits, so cute.
Elle est splendide Andreja, poétique et si charmante…biz