En lep čas nisem naredila voščilnice z rožo, no, tudi sivka ni ravno tipična “roža”. Izrez je ravno prav upognjen, da sem lahko izdelala voščilnico, ki ustreza trem CAS izzivom hkrati: oblaki, roža, postavitev.

Na osnovo sem preko stencil šablone nanesla Distress Oxide Iced Spruce. Izreze sem pobarvala s tremi odtenki Oxidov in dodala še malce pozlate z Gansai Tambi Stary Colors.

CAS ON FRIDAY, Challenge #149, Flowers
Less OS MOre, Challenge #387 – Sketch 25

Najlepši Par, galerija jan 2019 (drobna pentljica)
Hvala za ogled in komantarje
Beautiful! Thanks for playing along with us on the CASology Challenge blog.
Wonderful card! Love the cloudy background! Gorgeous flowers. Thanks for joining us at CASology!
Sem navdušenec CAS voščilnic in všeč mi je tako postavitev, kot ozadje in sivka.
Super take on the LIM sketch and splendid colours too
Gorgeous card. Love that cloudy background and your DO inking on the flowers is fabulous. Wonderful way to combine the two challenges. Thanks so mucj for playing wtih us at Less Is More.
Beautiful card x
So so soft and pretty. Love your stencilled clouds behind your flowers.
Beautiful flower-card!
Thank you for joining our challenge at Cas on Friday!