Pri izdelavi voščilnice sem se omejila na skico, eno barvo in embosing prah.

Pri izdelavi voščilnice sem se omejila na skico, eno barvo in embosing prah.
- Ustvarjanje iz papirja
- Izdelava voščilnic in čestitk
- Novoletne voščilnice
- Božične voščilnice
- Rojstnodnevne voščilnice
- Velikonočne voščilnice
- Voščilnice za Valentinovo
Beautiful card – C&S style. It’s true – less is more :))
Wauuu, kok hudo si se znašla s skico. Pa še eni ledeni kristali, tokrat malo drugače. Super.
Hvala, da si se nam pridružila pri 52CCT. Lp Goga
Very pretty card and thanks so much for joining us at Less is More!
What a beautiful CAS card with ocean colors. I love love love how you’ve used the sketch that inspired you -this has truly inspired me and I hope to create a similar design one day! Very unique Christmas card. Thanks for joining us at Less Is More!
This is gorgeous! I love your interpretation of the sketch and the application to the LIM challenge. Beautiful card. Thanks for playing with us at Less Is More.
A very gorgeous Christmas card ! And you’re lucky to have already one card ready for next Christmas ! Love the beautiful CAS design and your colour combo. Thanks so much for sharing and for playing along at Less is More.
Čudovito si interpretirala skico. Zelo mi je všeč. 🙂
Prekrasna je v vsej svoji belini in pikico barv. Hvala , ker sodeluješ na 52 CCT
This card is really such a great use of our sketch this week. It is so clean and simple, yet eye catching and beautiful. Thank you for joining us this week at 52CCT.
Andreja, lepo si sledila moji skici in naredila krasno praznično voščilnico :-))
Hvala, ker si se že začela igrati z nami pri 52CCT.