V tem tednu sem gostja na 52 Christmas Card Throwdown blog izzivu.
Tokratna tema so barve: črna bela in še ena barva, jaz sem kot tretjo barvo izbrala rdečo.
Krasne Tinine štampiljke sem z belim WOW embosing prahom embosirala na črn papir. Z Nuvo Crystal Drops Red Berry sem oblikovala jagodke.
This week I’m wery proud to be guest designer at
52 Christmas Card Throwdown challange blog.
The challange is:
Vabljeni k sodelovanju
Hvala za ogled in komentarje
ta carte est magnifique Marjeta, très élégante, merci de jouer avec nous chez 52CCT, biz
Your card is beautifully bold and dramatic. I love the red against the black. Thanks for being our guest designer.
What a pretty card – that stamp is lovely, and the white on black is so striking. The red really lifts it and adds cheerfulness! Thank you for being our guest designer at 52CCT.
Elegantna barvna kombinacija in zanimiva novoletna voščilnica.